Feb 4, 2008

I almost forgot...

Julie and Geoff bought PJ this guitar for her birthday. She's really taking to playing the guitar, she walked into the living room several times this weekend asking me if I wanted to "rock out". She always asks for a pick before she starts strumming. It's quite remarkable for recently-crowned two year old, but I don't want to get too excited about how "advanced" our child is. It's so cliche.

The real remarkable revelation with Parker is that she can now sing in time with a song when we're playing together. When I play "Trash Truck" or "Wakey Wakey Eggs n Bakey" on guitar she sings the song in time! It's quite amazing to watch, what a big step! I can't wait 'til she gets older and we can play together. I'm really looking forward to it!!

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