Feb 12, 2008

All In The Family

Laura, my mom, and Parker went to the doctor yesterday to get Ultrasound #2 to determine the sex of the upcoming addition. No surprises, it’s a girl. Parker wanted to an ultrasound as well so they put her on the chair and looked at her vital organs. She wants to do everything that we do…period.

So we were eating dinner last night and mom asked her if she liked the name “Georgia”. “No” she said. After that we started going around the table with other name suggestions, when it started getting silly Parker started to really have fun with it. The name came up “Pee Pee Head” and she lost it…I never seen her laugh so hard, the kind of laugh someone gives when they’ve heard a good joke. It’s much different than the “tickle laugh”. I hope that moment is a harbinger of things to come….I hope we have a lot of those moments where we can be silly and make each other laugh.

After that we went to Dairy Queen and brought ice cream to my mom’s. Laura shared with me that she’s the happiest she’s ever been. Hmmmmmmm, that’s quite an overreaching statement. Am I? I don’t know, I reflect back to my late teens when responsibilities were manageable and every weekend was fun. I’m happy now but am I happier more than my youth? I don’t know…are they in the same context? What the hell am I going through this mental hopscotch for?

An interesting Monday night.

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