Dec 14, 2007


People just don’t get it. Laura just doesn’t get it. Several weeks ago my mom gave Laura a book on pregnancy from the 1960’s…very entertaining stuff. Laura found the part about drinking and smoking during pregnancy quite amusing. Of course, now we know much more about the dangers of ingesting various things during pregnancy (i.e. raw fish, feta cheese, bourbon, etc…) however, isn’t it ignorant not to question other procedures and foods even though they are acceptable in the medical community today? Specifically I’m referring to ultrasounds, I have this sneaky suspicion that they are not good for a developing fetus. Currently, it is very common to perform them on pregnant women. However, I have a feeling that’s going to change in 10 years or so…just like this picture implies, things change over time. Everybody now knows that Kools are preferred by doctors these days.

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