Mix up some stress, fun, excitement, and a dash of good fortune and this Xmas was definitely a good one. The stress came about due to me trying to finish the new cd by The Magnificent Fantastic in time for xmas. It’s good to just get it over with. All those hours in the garage recording and mixing down is tiring. I do not want to listen to those songs for a while (burnout!) Another does of stress came with assembling PJ’s play kitchen. I didn’t realize Laura and I were performing the ancient parental ritual of assembling our child’s xmas gifts the night before xmas. I finally finished it by midnight xmas eve. Wasn’t too painful however, boy was I tired the following day.
So, the fun and excitement came from Parker and there are several reasons for it:
1) The joy of seeing that little girl get so excited by new toys will always be a memorable thing to me. She loved the kitchen! Since xmas (two days so far) she wakes up and says “I want to play with my kitchen” then trods off and keeps herself entertained. It’s nice. She is also having a blast with her new dolls (and stroller) and her animal hospital. Last night before we put her to bed she was moving from one toy to another every 20 seconds or so. Poor thing couldn’t keep her head on straight. When I decided it was time for her to go to bed, she went right to sleep.
2) She’s using the potty without having to be told to go. She just voluntarily uses it and then tells us (well she’s done that twice so far). Yippee!!
3) The way she interacts with her cousins is something special. She wants to interact with all of them in whatever capacity she can. Her and Caleb seem to have a special relationship. Caleb has a very gentle, caring way about seeing after Parker. I hope that continues. Laura was telling me about one moment when Parker was in her high chair eating lunch and she told Caleb that she went “pee pee in the potty” and Caleb walked up to her and gave her a hug and said “good job”. Pretty impressive relationship between a 4 year old and a not-yet 2 year old.
4) There was a moment last night when a ll the kids were dancing in the middle of the room with everyone watching. Parker, Ella, Bias, Ephraim, and Caleb…very cute.
So with all that, it’s back to work……
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