Jan 5, 2009

Let it Snow

Well, the Big Brother experiment of whether four families and their children could survive in a house for four days in the snow is over. Add the variable of it being New Year’s weekend and you’ve got yourself a real sociology/behavior psychology experiment. The result? All went very well, no childish meltdowns (from me), no parental issues, and no broken bones from sledding (one major bruise on the tailbone for Geoff-way to ring in the new year). Parker wasn’t that excited about sledding-she went with mom and had this frightened look on her face. The rest of her snow experience was with a shovel, a diamond-shaped slab of ice she continuously sucked on, snowball throwing, avoiding yellow snow, and helping build a snowman with her cousins. The weather conditions were perfect…50 degrees and a bunch of snow had just fallen on the ground so the four days we were there was plenty and we didn’t need too much clothing to stay warm. So, who enjoyed the snow the most? No doubt…Georgia.

Note to self...kids love chocolate fondue.

1 comment:

Becky said...

omg - love that picture of Parker with the chocolate face.