Whether it is nobler in the mind for the soul to suffer the slings and arrows of parenting three children at a time
When it is time that is of the essence or to take arms against a sea of insurmountable maternal pressure whilst thy maiden fails to witness the fact that ye is 40 years old!
I’m starting to think the Hamlet soliloquy was written not about Hamlet’s contemplation of suicide and its repercussions but really a glimpse into the pressure Shakespeare’s wife was putting on him to have a third child. You could read the whole soliloquy and find parallels.
“I don’t feel like I’m done”, Laura says like there’s some internal gauge that informs you you’re baby-making operation is no longer. Part of me understands her mindset, a lot of it is her realizing just how delightful and easy Georgia has been to raise. Happy 7-month birthday by the way Georgia! While I was feeding her yesterday (rice cereal and peas) she could not stop smiling at me. She makes things so much easier, actually I was having fun with it. It’s amazing how she makes having a third child so much more agreeable to the both of us. Parker too, she shows little jealousy, always assisting us with little tasks around the house. While she was helping Laura make a pizza for dinner last night she made a mess with the flour and some of it fell to the kitchen floor. She wanted to sweep the kitchen so bad yesterday that her and Laura engaged in a tumultuous game of tug-of-war with the broom. It came to an end with Laura prevailing and poor defeated Parker collapsing to the floor in a pile of tears and sadness like the wicked witch. I can’t wait ‘til she’s old enough to help out with chores like that; of course when she’s old enough is the time when she doesn’t want to do it.
But really, another child? Yeah, maybe 10 years ago…But she's only 32; I can't say I blame her for feeling that she's not done. Maybe I'll buy her a puppy instead...;-)
1 comment:
what a beautiful picture. It looks like you're putting your new camera to good use.
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