Jun 3, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

This past weekend was a major milestone in the life of Parker Johanna Powers. She moved to her new bedroom, and her new “Big Girl” bed. She was very excited about it and has made the transition with incredible ease. She even offered up the idea of Georgia sleeping in her crib when she comes.

Needless to say we’ve been preparing her room for the change for quite a long time. We are slowly getting it done however these things take time with our busy schedules. I think it’ll be finalized this weekend once shelving is put up and all of her toys are moved into her room.

It's interesting how our dispositions are determined by hers. It's fair to say that we're as excited as she is about these life events. It's not like we're doing it all for her, we're equally doing it for ourselves as well. Which further supports my belief that having and rearing children is a selfish act. Not that it's a bad thing but we're doing this for ourselves right? Having children enhances our lives while at the same time creates a new one.

Funny how that works.

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