Jun 13, 2008

Empire Burlesque

...a brief message from an overactive cortex...


I never hear (or read) the term "The American Empire" used in describing our foreign policy. I contend that now more than ever the notion of "The American Empire" is accurate. We've been a continental empire (some would say a hemispheric empire) since at least the Mexican-American War, an international empire since the Spanish American War, a global empire since the end of WWII, and with our eastern march at the wall in Berlin and our western march at the DMZ (the 38th Parallel) in Korea.

Democracies can be empires too, ask the Athenians-not that they were very good at it. History tends to only refer to totalitarian countries as "Empires" but that is simply not accurate. The manner in which we’ve strategically colonized the globe (for our benefit) over time reflects a natural instinct human beings have for self preservation. However, the incredibly hazy line between the rights of autonomy or friend and foe alike and the use of strength for self preservation tends to complicate things threefold.

We are the Roman Empire -- at least, the Western Roman Empire. Russia, of course was the Eastern Roman Empire. The Cold War was the contest to see which would prevail. Now that we've colonized the provinces of Judea, Persia, and Afghanistan, the farthest extent of our ancient Greco-Roman influence. Obviously, Persia is one of the more important areas simply because of the energy it provides us (oil). It’s been over five years since we invaded Iraq in March 2003 and gas prices are at an all-time high (I paid $4.57/gallon last night). Of course, the prior sentence will seem hilarious when this is read two years from now and gas is $6.00 per gallon.

At this time in history Obama and McCain have locked in their party’s nominations and are now starting their national campaign. McCain wants to stay there without a doubt however Obama has made the pledge that he will begin withdrawal of American troops starting six months from when he takes office. He’ll be slowly distancing himself from that statement, you watch. We’ll always be in Iraq-without a doubt.

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