May 7, 2008

Tuesday Night

Tuesday night is Laura's Prenatal Yoga Class so it's the “me and Parker show” once a week for a little while to come. I thought it would be a good idea for us to get out of the house on those evenings just because most of the time we spend alone together is at the house. Plus, it allows me the opportunity to rip my wedding ring off, drag Parker to the mall and use her adorable face to score some chicks. All I have to do is interject a horrific story about mommy abandoning us so she could travel to Bali with her yoga instructor for intense transindental meditation training and you've got a can't-miss strategy.

So last week we went pajama shopping and this week we went Mother’s Day shopping at the mall. It wasn’t a very eventful trip but there was an interesting 20-30 minutes we spent sitting on one of the couches in front of the Mrs. Fields/Cinnabon/Pretzel Time “Triangle of Terror”. I’ve never sat on a couch at a mall before. After a few minutes of her just playing around on the couch and moving from couch to couch I just sat back and performed some quality people-watching. I’m not sure why but it was kinda interesting to sit there and watch the pretzel guy make pretzels, the girl on the phone talking to her boyfriend, etc…. About 20 minutes in I decided to do something I’ve never done before, buy a Mrs. Fields’ cookie (well, 4 of them actually-buy 3 get 1 free). $5.15 later I came to the conclusion that they are definitely not worth it.

As PJ and I made our way back to the van through JC Penny’s she made a run for it. She just took an immediate right turn in the bedding area and took off like a skier on a slalom course.

I had no chance locating Wilma Rudolph, that girl can run.

I gave up trying to find her and just waited for her to realize that the Great Escape was successful and that the game had consequences, like being all alone in a big department store. Two minutes later she came out to the main aisle looking for me. I didn’t even think about disciplining her until earlier today. Hell, I thought it was kinda cute, and pretty impressive how she took to those corners!

1 comment:

Laura said...

See... people watching is fun! I'm glad you've finally learned to appreciate it, after all the crap you give me for doing it.