May 5, 2008

The Most Amusing Event Of The Weekend

Okay, this is the last political posting for a while, it's getting old. However, this was so very interesting that I have to bring it up. With the Indiana/North Carolina Primaries in a couple of days, Hillary thought it be a good idea to support the only female horse (filly) in the race in this year's Kentucky Derby that occurred over the weekend. It was a fitting choice for her, the filly was a 20-1 underdog in the biggest horse race in the world and it was the only female racing as well. Sounds familiar?? A don't blame her for playing it up, and to some degree it worked-the horse came in second which was a surprise to a whole lot of people in attendance. However, she broke both legs in the process and was immediately euthanized (killed) right there on the spot. That second part kinda ruined the whole metaphor for her I guess. Too bad, she coulda played that metaphor all the way to the vice presidency!

So what does that say about her campaign? She's elected V.P., finds Bill in bed with Barbara Walters-shoots them both down then has no choice but to take her own life rather than face the consequences?

Either way, a more enjoyable news item I have not seen in some time.

Hillary, please go away. Your political games of guilt by association, fear mongering, and general negative advertising have degraded this primary to just another triival primary election. Obama is trying to raise the level of dialogue with the electorat in a way that has not been done in these modern times. Allbeit, I am frustrated that he's not talking about the issues that really plague this country to an acceptable level. I have to assume partly it's because he's busy being on the defensive answering William Ayers or Reverend Wright questions instead. But Hillary's campaign is one of desperation, she has harmed her image and I fear this country is too stupid to know how they're being manipulated.

So, who's for euthanizing the good Senator from New York before the finish line?

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