May 6, 2008

1.5 Million

That's how many people have now donated to Obama. Impressive, no? I confess that I am one of those people earlier this year(a whopping $25 donation). No one has ever come close to this amount of "grass roots support" in history. And it was done by the Internet, joyfully destroying the power of major donors to control a candidate, empowering so many to make a difference and altering the face of campaign finance for ever. And yet the Democrats (which I am not a member!) are seriously considering rebuking this astonishing achievement in favor of a oerson who represents none of those attributes, an old nepotistic opportunist whose campaign, when it hasn't been incompetent, untrustworthy, and very much complacent, has been straight from the Rove playbook.

Any Democrat who spurns this achievement is destroying their own party, and its future. This has been a revolutionary campaign already. Because it has been built as much from below as from above. And because it has brought so many to believe in their country and its politics again. I don't care if I am thereby tarred as an Obama kool-aid drinker. The facts remain, and one day, this very ideal will become the norm in politics. Nothing is more pleasing to me than seeing power brokers in the political process lose their ability to peddle influence upon the policies of this country.

The inspiration that Obama has created is not necessarily policy-driven or is it even on the topic of "hope", the inspiration he's created from me is the way in which he has conducted himself and his campaign. He has truly risen above all other campaigns of memory and delivered a prime example of how people should run for President. You see Hillary fabricating herself as a working class candidate, a woman of the middle to lower class people which I cannot understand. Why do we want "the person we'd like to have a beer with" as the President? I want someone who's better educated than me and knows it and knows how to wisely use their personality, intellect, education, life experiences, etc... in the Oval Office to their full advantage.

So. let's have a sip of kool-aid and see what happens today in Indiana and North Carolina.

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