Mar 10, 2008

Monday Morning Quarterback

Here’s a very interesting picture. I say that because it’s a picture that doesn’t look like PJ one bit. It’s odd how photography can capture an image like this. Oh well, I think it’s interesting.

I caught myself again pondering the impact of another child. Between work, my inability to remain healthy for more than a couple months in a row, sports on the weekend, and my insatiable need for rest and relaxation, I don’t know where I’m going to find time to be twice the father I am now. I go through these phases; normally it’s every Monday morning when I spend a little time evaluating my current and future existence.

There’s a verse I wrote for a song on Laura’s birthday cd that speaks to my not realizing the beauty and joy that can come from the life of a 9 to 5 suburban dad. I meant what I wrote but it’s never a final statement in my mind. There’s always moments of questioning and analyzing but then I always revert back to the image of life “B.P.” (Before Parker) and there’s really no comparison. I wouldn’t change it for the world, but I would like to hire a nanny to look over the children once in a while! But hell, what parent doesn’t go through that mental trapeze act?

What continually impresses me is Laura and Parker’s relationship. Those two are like best friends in a weird way-at least to me it is from a mother/daughter perspective. It is so easy to see how those two are going to be best friends forever, and I mean that. Laura’s nurturing nature is something that attracted me to her immediately I recall. This may sound weird but I can’t imagine a better parenting style than Laura’s. I really don’t believe in strict parenthood, I don’t want to be the Stalinist father however I do demand that my children respect their elders. Parker has her moments of “questioning authority” and part of me appreciates that in a developing child, that only goes so far though.

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