Apr 3, 2008

This Is What Hillary Looks Like at 3 A.M.

"Can't this wait 'til morning?"

Not everything in politics makes sense, there's no doubt about that! With the Democratic Primaries in full force (Obama edging Clinton on all fronts), everything these candidates do is under a finite microscope that the media eats up like pregnant Laura at the Hamburger Habit. Take this Hillary Clinton ad where now the 3 a.m. phone call is economy-related. The 3 a.m. phone call is becoming something of a phenomenom ever since it helped steer the electorate to Hillary's side during the Texas/Ohio primaries. For some reason I saw it last night while watching something of unimportance on the telly. Even though the California Democratic primaries were over two months ago. Why is she spending her hard-earned (?????) money here? How badly can she misspend her funds? Is this a sign to come if she were elected prez? Why isn’t this thing running in Pennsylvania where her lead is evaporating? Why is everything I write ending with a question mark!!

This is pure silliness. It better not work...

"It's 3 a.m., and your children are safe and asleep. But there's a phone ringing in the White House."

Oh, right, it's a sequel to the ad that probably won Texas for Hillary Clinton. She's only paid her team a couple million dollars to revamp this pile of crap—you can't expect them to come up with two good ideas in a row now can you? Indeed, this is the Porky’s II of campaign ads...

"and this time the crisis is economic."

Wait. What? What markets are open at 3 a.m.? Asian ones right? Are there any European markets open? What the hell? I had no idea the “Invisible Hand” reaches so far…and, it makes phone calls in the middle of the night to the President! What is she going to do in the middle of the night? What are her options if there's a financial crisis at 3 a.m.? I don't understand this concept. Oh, please air this ad in Pennsylvania and Indiana (where she's leading).

One thing is for sure, the economic problem is not her own, she's yet to release her tax information but once she does...$50 million earned last year will surprise quite a few people. I'm sure she'll release it on a Friday (less attack from the "free" press).

"Home foreclosures mounting, markets teetering. "

At 3 a.m.? The asian markets are teetering?...huh? Who's foreclosing on homes at 3 a.m.?

"John McCain just said the government shouldn't take any real action on the housing crisis, he'd let the phone keep ringing. Hillary Clinton has a plan to protect our homes, create jobs."

Great! What is it?

"It's 3 a.m., time for a president who's ready."
To do what?!?!

I’m apparently not going to hear about it in the ad. The only person who I trust receiving calls at 3 a.m. is Batman getting a call from Commissioner Gordon because the Joker, the Riddler, and the Penguin are up to something nefarious in the city of Gotham.
...tis the season.

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