Apr 2, 2008

Ghetto Patriotism

Best propaganda jam we are forced to watch every time we go to the damn movies:

This country makes it so hard to truly grab hold of a definition of patriotism that encompasses all of its aspects. We consistently jump into the generic, easily-acceptable notions of patriotism (i.e. flag waving, yellow “Support the Troops” ribbon-sticker, red white and blue, Post 9/11 “Go Shopping America”, etc…) yet the notion of rebuking our Nation’s sins seems to fall into the anti-American side of the argument (unpatriotic). One who cares about this country enough to strive for it’s actions to be more of their liking tends to be seen as subordinate.

Enter the lovely Leni Reifenstahl-ish video by rockers 3 Doors Down – “Citizen Soldier” - Iraq, the American Revolution, Normandy, it’s agot it all. Kind of a microcasm of that “America, love it or leave it” attitude that the majority of this country love so much. Basically the video dares our youth to be a cowardly, red homosexuals and stay at home rather than traveling across the globe to ”protect” our nation. How does that thing get to appear before every movie out today without some sort of response?

Along with that damn Bollywood Fandango commercial, this song and video ensure that I will at least partially enjoy whatever crappy movie I am about to see.

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