Apr 19, 2008

"Booey" the Security Blanket

Around 6:30 this morning, Parker woke up sobbing. Will went in to get her and brought her to our bed. He asked her what was wrong and she said, “My booey is broken…boo hoo hoo..my booey is broken”. She was still partly asleep. She clutched her blanket to her face and told us again that her booey (blanket) is broken. We reassured her that it wasn’t and told her it was just a bad dream.
The comfort and security that a blanket can provide a child amazing me. Sometimes when Parker is sad or hurts herself, we’ll go get her blanket and rub it on the “ouwie”. She lets out a relieved laugh and says, “it feels better now” or “I’m okay”. Her demeanor and mood completely change and so quickly.

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