So…I have a new music project! Kinda exciting and easy being that it’s only one song and not an entire cd. Also, I have a whole month and a half to think about what I want to say and how I want to say it. I pride myself on the ability to insert inside jokes and references that only she would get. I also put pressure on my self to outwit my prior writings and put something down that I think is interesting, witty, creative, profound, adorning, historically relevant, comical, etc…. I think I’ll enlist the help of other people to write a song or two as well. I think if she got a cd with several songs on it all in regards to her birthday she’d be one happy girl.
A melody came to me this morning driving into work but of course, I’ve forgotten it. I hate when that happens, and it happens a lot! Damn you NPR!! So now I gotta try to remember it or try something new. What was kinda scary was that I envisioned the chords behind the melody at the same time. Does that make me some sort of musical Svengali?? I mean the chord progression was a simple C-G-Am-E and it could sound like crap but hey…I’m Beethoven damnit!! Although he was deaf…and is music was a tad more complex and easier on the ear than mine.
…I fear not
So now the easy part…writing and recording some songs behind her back that include some profound statements about her and her birthday and that are easy on the ear. Here we go again.
gotta love a babypussy
i would eat her c un t all day
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