Jan 7, 2010

The Cracks In PJ's Social Shell Are Showing

The Sunday mass we usually attend includes a “children’s message” portion where the pastor invites all the children up to the front to sit down while he tells them a little story or a magic trick or an allegory or something of that sort. Last Sunday’s service provided us with a special little surprise.

Parker (who’s usually quite shy in these matters) meanders up to the front with her cousin Ella, holding hands as they usually do and sits down with the rest of the kids. Laura and I are sitting in the middle of the church where our line of sight to the kids is somewhat hampered by the big headed people sitting in front of us. Pastor Steve starts the message with “well kids, did everyone get the presents they wanted for Christmas?” The response was as expected…pretty quiet except for a voice that echoes out…”well, I was hoping for a princess piano but I didn’t get one”. I cringe with delight, embarrassment, and a bellyful of chuckles. This was not expected from our shy little girl. She continues on in some detail about the princess piano she wanted but didn’t get. The pastor then speaks about the notion of light and whether one candle and light up the room and if not, how many were needed to light up the room. Parker enthusiastically states “Fifty Five!”…not sure where that came from. But Parker then continues to offer up some more informational tidbits about how her daddy got a light for Christmas that he can use when they go camping. By this time I’m flabbergasted.

Next Pastor Steve speaks about the spelling of the word “Light” and what the letters represent. “L” is for love, etc…. Parker offers up another tasty piece of information…"Hey L is in Ella’s name!”

After the children’s message is over the parents usually come up and help escort the kids to their Sunday school class so I walk up to get Parker and casually walk by Pastor Steve and tell him “no more Starbucks for her”.

As I reflect on this experience I still chuckle inside.


Jennifer said...

Hey, I was glad it was your kid this time, instead of mine! :)

Becky said...

love this. just love it. you'll be glad you jotted it down for later in life.