Nov 25, 2009

This Means WAR!


No better game to teach your three year old how to count in addition to how to lose (Parker has no problem with the former but a definite problem with the latter) than the ancient card game War. I can remember being a little boy and having intense battles with my friends, the loser would get a "nouggy"(sp?). While playing with Parker I can see Laura’s genetics in action (her family cheats a lot at cards) when she surreptitiously swaps out low cards for high cards in the deck. She doesn’t even wait for me to turn my head. I make her count out the symbols on the card to determine the amount then I ask her “who won the battle PJ?” It’s a good game at her age.

Of course, once Georgia walks into the room the game is over. Georgia has to walk in between us, grab some cards and throw them.

Parker hates losing. Frankly, it’s disturbing to see as a parent. When she loses playing “Hi-Ho Cherry O” she starts the pouting by saying “Ooooh I always lose!” She then walks away from the game and drops to the floor and puts her hands over her head and half-heartedly cries. Now with us playing War she’s accepted losing to some degree, it’s definitely an improvement.

I thought of a great idea to further my efforts toward my daughter being a pacifist. Instead of war the game will be called “Peace”. Low card wins…simple as that. The game is officially ended with a twenty second hug.

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