Jun 12, 2009

TWIP Notes

1) Georgia is gaining more confidence with her walking every day. Let the head trauma and various scars around the upper body begin!

2) Nicknames for Georgia are developing everyday, some make the cut while others go straight to the trash can… “Georgie” (Parker’s nickname for Georgia), “Whippy” (Laura calls her that, short for Whippersnapper), I just call her Georgia, I gotta think of something original…

3) Starting to realize that Parker is not a very good dancer-she is reminding me of her Aunt Julie. Her lack of grace on the dance floor though is made up for when you see how fast she can run in an open field.

4) After a short afternoon spent with the family at the local College I realize I need to do more kite-flying this summer. My serenity tank is only ¼ full as of late.

5) I made a mental note to myself a few days back while watching the Girl’s College Softball World Series. When Parker starts taking up hitting off a tee, she needs to hit left handed thereby gaining an extra step to first base. I’m documenting that mental note here so I don’t forget later in life.

6) Parker loves looking at pictures.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Re: dancing -- I believe there is little grace to a 3-yr old in general. Katie always has her elbows out and jerks around (or just spins). But then again, I am her mom, so odds are high grace is just not in the cards for her.