Jun 27, 2009
I Wonder at 'Wonder Pets'
I write this as my husband sits next to Parker watching 'Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales'.
Georgia's Favorite Things

Climbing up and sitting on Parker's little chair
Putting things into buckets or bowls - like cheerios into ramekins or spoons into cups
Pointing and saying, "This...that...this...this" in a high pitched, desperate for you to show her kind of voice
Sucking her left thumb and grasping and pinching any part of my body she can get a hand on
Screaming an ear piercing, shrill scream that literally hurts my ears when she wants me to pick her up
Jun 26, 2009
It was just a year ago today we were honored by the presence of, as Laura calls her, our “Precious Little Treasure”. I can still hear the nurse telling me in a very stern tone “go get the doctor” as she politely uses both hands to deter Georgia from escaping the womb while Laura is screaming “get it out, get it out!”
Her birthday party has been cancelled unfortunately due to Georgia going through a cycle of fevers over the past couple of days. I hope she gets better soon.
Jun 25, 2009
Jun 20, 2009
The Ventura College Experience

It was a nice afternoon at Ventura Colelge. Kite-flying had by everyone while little children ran aimlessly through the grassy abyss.
Serendipity struck...Georgia decided to join the world of bipedalism.
She's walking...
and loving every step of it.
But my most memorable moment is when this..

Becomes this...

Jun 12, 2009
TWIP Notes
2) Nicknames for Georgia are developing everyday, some make the cut while others go straight to the trash can… “Georgie” (Parker’s nickname for Georgia), “Whippy” (Laura calls her that, short for Whippersnapper), I just call her Georgia, I gotta think of something original…
3) Starting to realize that Parker is not a very good dancer-she is reminding me of her Aunt Julie. Her lack of grace on the dance floor though is made up for when you see how fast she can run in an open field.
4) After a short afternoon spent with the family at the local College I realize I need to do more kite-flying this summer. My serenity tank is only ¼ full as of late.
5) I made a mental note to myself a few days back while watching the Girl’s College Softball World Series. When Parker starts taking up hitting off a tee, she needs to hit left handed thereby gaining an extra step to first base. I’m documenting that mental note here so I don’t forget later in life.
6) Parker loves looking at pictures.
Jun 8, 2009
The Kite Runner
Jun 6, 2009
Very "Distinguished"
A couple of days ago I got out the 12 month size clothing from storage. Whenever I bring new baby clothes out, PJ tears through the box and tries just about all of it on. She gets so excited and always insists that the item she's trying to get into will fit.
The other day she put little tiny slippers on the ends of her toes. It reminded me of Cinderella's step-sisters trying on the glass slipper. She then managed to get on a vest and pants. The pants were stretchy enough and actually looked pretty cute as shorts. So I let her have them. I did challenge her a bit saying, "Don't you think those clothes are too small for you?"
She said, "No, they make me look distinguished." My jaw dropped to the floor. I was so impressed with her knowing the word "distinguished" and also being able to use it. She amazes me!