Oct 8, 2008


There's Too Many Women In My Life. I never thought I would have to say something like that.
Being patient with children…sometimes an exercise in fertility…uh…..no….futility.

Having two kids really does teach one about oneself if you just step back for a minute and analyze your actions objectively and honestly. And let me tell you, it’s a lot harder than it seems! I’m still trying to come to terms with how testy I can be getting home from work and not being able to vegetate for thirty minutes on politics or baseball or whatever t.v. has to offer at 5:30 in the evening. I think it’s going to be a lot easier when the girls get older and are more self-sustaining with regards to how they spend their time, but maybe I’m just being naïve.

I’m the first to admit I’ve never been into children that much and I really didn’t take an interest in them until we had PJ. Now there’s days when all I’d like to do is spend time with her. It doesn’t take much to interest her, a simple game of kickball, or “hide and secret”, or her favorite game she calls “get yourself” which involves me chasing her around the backyard-not too cerebral of a game.

I see a time in the future when the fact that three girls living in a house is going to be just too much estrogen under one roof. I’ve never lived in a house with more than one girl in it. I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with the endless struggles for the bathroom before school and the fighting over clothes and the fact that once they’re teenagers I won’t matter…things like that.

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