May 13, 2010

Laura in 3's

Me and my big sis' Cyndi

I was tagged by Christie to share about myself and I am finally getting around to it. Here goes.

3 names I go by:
1. Mommy
2. La La
3. La La Babe

3 jobs I have had:
1. Order Management Supervisor
2. Server and bartender at Outback
3. Basketball referee

3 places I have lived:
1. San Francisco
2. Azusa
3. Castro Valley

3 fave drinks:
1. Cabernet Sauvignon
2. Water
3. Caramel Macchiato, extra shot of espresso, "but make it just barely sweet, only half a pump of caramel"

3 t.v. shows I watch:
1. So You Think You Can Dance
2. United States of Tara
3. Mad Men

3 places I have been:
1. Spain
2. Sweden
3. Germany

3 places I would like to visit:
1. Grand Canyon
2. Portugal
3. Hawaii (again)

3 fave retro TV shows:
1. Scooby Doo
2. Charlie's Angels
3. Brady Bunch

3 fave dishes:
1. Filet with wine reduction sauce
2. Blackened Salmon
3. The pasta dish with truffle sauce at Cafe Zack. I can't stop thinking about it.

3 things I am looking forward to:
1. Summer beach trips
2. Camping
3. Taking my girls to Hawaii, hopefully next summer

3 people I am tagging:
1. Will
2. Loren
3. Geoff

1 comment:

Becky said...

oooo, I Hawaii sounds so good. We just got back from SD, and I'm primed for another vacation.