Apr 12, 2010

The Spoken Word

Slowly but quite surely, Georgia is really communicating with us. This weekend I noticed her vociferously stating “Parta, Parta” as she tries to get Parker’s attention from across the room.

Georgia has very good manners. Whenever we give her something (usually it’s something she wants) she immediately replies with a kind and hearty “deece”. The word “deece” dates back to the fifth century in ancient India. The term is ancient third or maybe fourth generation Sanskrit and carries the meaning “thanks doofus, now am I gonna get a lollipop or what?”

Or maybe she’s just trying to say “thanks”. I’m not sure.

I do have one general observation of children-if you put several children in a room with the t.v. off and they are loud and playing games and jumping off the furniture and bouncing off the walls, all it takes to get them to stop is to turn on Noggin. It’s quite scary to see how their behavior can take an immediate and complete 180 degree turn from being a pack of spastic hyenas, to a group of slow-termed lobotomized television viewers. Now that is the power of television.

Also, below are a few actual books we will not be reading to Georgia…

This one was definitely form a different era.

And last but not least...the title of Parker's autobiography when she gets a little older...(that's me in the slippers).

1 comment:

Becky said...

omg - I've totally seen that last book somewhere, but now I can't remember for the life of me where... crap.