Unfortunately, babelfish.com cannot help me in this matter, I have to rely on the two people that interact with her on a daily basis much more than myself. With that said, I am thankful for Parker and Laura and their effort to educate me on just what the heck Georgia is uttering. I hate it when I kneel down to Georgia’s level when she’s talking to me and I helplessly respond with a “Ohhh” or “really Georgia?” and nod my head and just smile like the president when he is at a staged photo-op with some foreign dignitary from Who-cares-istan without a translator in sight.
Such a helpless feeling.
I must say that it’s quite adorable to hear her talk. I know I’m going to miss it when she becomes fluent in English. Whenever I am in the position of listening to her speak I try to remind myself that this moment is fleeting.
Favorite Words or Phrases in Georgia-nese that I do Understand and Adore
1) When Parker and I were making chocolate shakes a couple nights ago, Georgia pushed one of the chairs from the dining table into the kitchen to “help”. While trying to make room for her to “help” she emphatically repeated “eschoo sme, eschoo sme”.
2) When she wants Parker’s attention she emphatically repeats “Parta, Parta”
3) When she says words like 'milk', 'chip' or 'help' she replaces the first and last consonant with the letter ‘P’ so the words sound like ‘pilp’, 'pip', and ‘pelp’.
4) Whenever the tv is on, she enthusiastically states in the format of a question "Bi-dett?!?", which translates in Georgia-nese as "do you know where my blanket is?"
5) When I give her something she wants she politely states “deece” which means ‘thanks’ in Georgia-nese.
6) When I'm doing something that deems interesting she'll say "a-shy" which means "I'd like to try".
7) When the tv is on something she doesn't want to watch she'll say "A doo doo?" which means "I'd like to watch Scooby Doo".
It's all in the delivery.
I don't know what i like better the use of the word "mired" or the Roadhouse reference.
I totally know what you mean, I wish I would have taken more video of Maddie saying "bye" a couple of months ago when it somehow sounded southern coming out of her mouth.
That reminds of a video clip I wish I had a few months ago of Gerogia's emphatic..."YESSSSHHH".
I'm going to miss that when she grows up.
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