Oct 15, 2009

Block Party!

The First Annual Hollings Street Block Party was held on October 3rd. The party went on from 2pm until 8 pm. I’d call it a success. Included in the extravaganza was:

-An intense and controversial game of Musical Chairs (featuring a live band…who pretty much sucked)
-One big jumper and a little jumper for the little ones
-A giant cookout which included a lot of food, even more food, and a couple snacks
-Neighbors getting to know each other a little better including an awful large number of overtly social, talkative women conversing with each other
-Two piñatas
-A visit from the local fire truck courtesy of the Ventura Fire Department
-A parade of decorated bicycles and tricycles
-A live band that had no idea what songs to play and pretty much sucked (it’s worth repeating)

Action photo...candy in flight. Parker doesn't stand a chance.

Judging from the picture...guess who won at Musical Chairs?

Members of our sucky band

Fan base of our sucky band
More members of our sucky band


Becky said...

would have loved to hear that sucky band.

miyo b. said...

ditto what becky said - looks like fun! maybe ray can convince some of our neighbors to have a block party and your sucky band can play for us :)