Mar 25, 2009

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

If this mishap was Parker’s fault then I wouldn’t feel so bad for her. Well, maybe I would being that I would blame myself and Laura for not providing proper parental oversight- but this was not the case.

Last night after Parker’s bath Laura was combing her hair, I guess Parker was inquiring about this round brush which I assume is used for curling one’s hair. So while Parker’s hair was still wet, Laura decided to show her how the round comb works on Parker’s hair and….the picture’s not really worth a thousand words, maybe just one…DOH!
This was even more painful than it looks. It was so tight against her head and coming from both sides of the comb, I really don’t know how Laura did this. I was in the garage when it happened but it became a very difficult ordeal for all of us (especially PJ). Laura’s first idea was to dry her hair which didn’t help. The next was to take wire cutter and methodically cut each bristle off hoping it would help free up the hair…this didn’t work either. I called over our next door neighbor to see if she had any ideas. Sara had a good idea, plop on a bunch of conditioner all over the brush and her hair which did help. All this time Parker was crying and crying, it was so sad. She would let out these little squeals every time Laura would accidentally pull on her hair while trying to untangle the mess.

And so, after hour into this new torture technique, Laura was able to free the brush from being flush against her head yet it still remained stuck, it just wasn’t as bad. In the meantime, I was trying to occupy Parker so she could take her mind off of the pain that was being inflicted on her. I instituted a couple of techniques, one was to shovel ginger snap cookies into her mouth and the other was to ensure there was a perpetual stream of Little Bear and Maggie and The Ferocious Beast for her viewing pleasure..

Finally, after an hour and half of this Laura and Sara were able to free up some of the hair while cutting off the rest. The total sum of lost hair can be summed up by this picture...

In case this happens to you, you will need the following tools:
So, thus another entertaining night ended.

1 comment:

Becky said...

oh no! Sounds like a tough night for mom and Parker. I suppose it happens to everyone, right? Next up: gum in hair...