May 18, 2009

T.W.I.P. Notes (This Week In Parenting)

Little Girl Growin' Up.
I spent quite a bit of time babysitting little Georgia this past weekend. I really enjoyed the time we spent together. It seems the older she gets (she's 10 months now), the more I enjoy spending time with her. It was the same way with Parker I recall-maybe even earlier with Parker. We spent some alone time together on the front lawn Saturday as well as Sunday. We both enjoyed it I think. She's trying so hard to stand up, I admire her will.
She loves playing a game I refer to as Roley-Poley. That's where she rolls around the couch amidst several pillows while engaging in the most enigmatic laughter and "yowls of joy" that a girl of her minimal age could produce. She loves it.
I hope she's always this happy, it makes life so much enjoyable when you're kids aren't whining or crying but rather are happy with where they are and who they're with. Crying children will wear you out. Hopefully the following weekends will produce more laughter and fun for all of us.
Parker's been referring to her as "Georgie" as of late. I think it'd be more ironic to call this pretty little girl "George" but it just doesn't seem right.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Love that she calls her Georgie...