As usual, I'm torn by this holiday.
For this post, the opening paragraph from the patriotic optimist in me reads like this...
July 4th, a day where we come together to remind ourselves of the sacrifices and struggles we've endured as a great nation for the past 234 years. From the humble beginnings of thirteen colonial states we've evolved into the most awesomest superpower on the planet (running a close second is the Mexican drug cartel). On July 4th we stand up and proudly walk down Main St. in Ventura California with our children and our wagons decked out in red, white and blue ribbons and celebrate the great document penned by Tommy Jefferson.
The opening paragraph from the cynic in me reads as follows...
The 185th day in the Gregorian calendar was celebrated this year with all of the vapid celebratory patriotism you've come to expect in a day that marks our adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the majority of Americans wearing the colors of France while enjoying the awesome sight of Chinese fireworks. In defiance of our de-evolution as a democracy (hello! corporate influence on the body politic and mindless occupations of foreign lands that bleed our souls of hope and civility), I wore a Gordon Biersch t-shirt.

Georgia sporting the double "pop pop" look.

Georgia may be just a young naive two year old but she's incredibly wise for her age. A few days prior we partook in a rather intelligent exchange examining the political dialogue we're having as a nation...
Me: "Georgia, don't mess with the remote control, I'm trying to watch Hannity"
Georgia: "Hanty...poo poo...stinky"
Me: "Perhaps Georgia but it's important to keep the channels of communication open amongst all factions of political thought"
Georgia: "Dayee!, poo poo out! To the, to the potty chair, right?"
Me: "You can't just 'poo poo' every right wing theory without proper critical analysis even if at its very core fails to serve the needs of the lower and middle class"
Georgia: "Dada, dance to rock down song!!Pleeeez??"
Me: "Fine, we can rock down to some Primus but we're going to continue this discussion at a later date"

Georgia admiring my red, white and blue toenails. They were painted in honor of France; not because it looks gay (and boy did it) but because the French are so maligned by Americans. However whatever your opinion is of France they deserve at least an honorable mention on July 4th.