Sep 17, 2008

What's Happening?!?!?!?

Just a few things...
-Received this email from Laura yesterday.
"Georgia just rolled over from her back to her stomache when I wasn't looking. Wow!"
-Writing songs for a new Magnificent Fantastic cd...nothing I've come up with is very exciting or inspiring though.
-Parker is still in a bit of a regression stage with regards to being potty-trained. She has an accident about once a day. S
-She's got a pretty amazing memory too. I was cheating while reading her one of her books last night before she went to bed. I skipped 3 pages with out her noticing at the time. After the fact Laura ratted me out and told Parker what I did so Parker took the book and showed me two of the three pages I skipped. Pretty impressive stuff.
-I withdrew from the Oxnard PD Finance Manager position for several reasons. The main reason is stress management. I've got it good right now and don't want to lose working in a somewhat-relaxed environment. I don't want to go through, nor do I want to put my family through living with me while I'm working at a stressful job (like Raytheon). The grass is not always greener.

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