The both of you have repeatedly professed your desire to get married when you get older. Georgia, the other day when threw your arms in the air and impassionately asked...
"Daddy, who am I going to marry when I grow up?
I want to know.
Who will it be?"
Although I had no answer for you at the time I can now say that I've done some research. In addition to the research I thought long and hard about the characteristics of a person that will make a good spouse for you.
Your mother and I know you love cats. And because of that you're going to want someone who shares your love of all things feline. With that said I have someone in mind...
Another option perhaps? Well, another thing I've noticed is your affinity for the color green. I also noticed you like things that are shiny. This gentleman may be acceptable to you.
No? Well it should please you to know that I've thought about this further. I noticed how much you like to point out fire trucks when we're driving around town. Perhaps a future fireman would meet your physical and amotional needs??
Still no? I must say you are hard to please but I do have one more idea. As your mother and I can attest, you are an emotional little girl. Also, you're incredibly cuddly and love affection. Because of that you're going to need someone who can meet these needs of yours. I can tell you that I have found that person and he likes games, Pokemon for sure.
If these selections do not meet your needs then I suggest Jdate($$$).